If you are a new credit repair services business owner or looking to venture into the credit repair business, then keep reading. Credit Repair is a robust industry with many avenues to generate cash flow. Whether you are looking to solely focus on credit repair or add it to an existing business, you will want to ensure your business is properly set up to receive payments.
Credit Repair is considered a high-risk industry when it comes to payment processing. However, that should not stop you from securing your merchant account. While there are merchant processors who offer high-risk merchant accounts, making sure that you partner with the right one could save you money and headaches in the long run.
At 5 Star Processing, we are known as an industry leader when it comes to helping Credit Repair business owners secure their merchant accounts. Here are some of the benefits you get when you partner with 5 Star Processing.
- Accept multiple forms of payment such as credit, debit, electronic check, and more
- Portable wireless terminals and mobile payment capability to take payments anywhere inside or outside your business
- Access to low rates and reserves
- Online payment gateway so you can accept payments through your website. A great option for e-commerce businesses
- Integration support with your existing setup.
- PCI compliance support to ensure you are staying compliant with card payments and protecting your business from fraud.
These are all benefits that you will get when you partner with an experienced payment service provider: 5-star processing.
Exceptional 5 Star Customer Service
With 5 Star Processing, you no longer tress over whether or not you will get approved for a merchant account. In addition to this, we will guide you through the process every step of the way and keep you updated.
Aspects To Check Your Account Credit Report By A Merchant Account:
There are many aspects you should check your credit report, which could be faulty, leading to a low score.
Check A Merchant Account:
There are two cases in which an account can be started open without your knowledge.
The lending institution may have missed communicating the closure of an account.
The open account may not be yours. In case there are any of the above errors found, dispute it with the credit rating agency.
Check The Status Of The Credit Repair Services Accounts:
If any of your accounts have a status of written off or settled, it can be viewed negatively by the lenders. Verify if any account is tagged inaccurately and raise a dispute if needed.
Check The Payment History of Every Action:
Any entry other than 000 or XXX under the day’s past due section in the payment history, will indicate that you have missed some payments. Alongside this, make sure that you are making bill payments promptly. This can help big time in improving your score. However, a minimum period of 6-8 months is needed to see a change in your credit score.
Applying For Your Credit Repair Merchant Account Services:
Because of the inherent risk of chargebacks, credit repair companies are considered high-risk businesses. Still, excellent credit card merchant account solutions are available to you for both card and check payment processing. Application for an account is always free without obligation.
To be eligible for a credit repair merchant services account, a minimum of $50k per month in processing volume is needed. High Volume Merchant Account is a specialty. You should get the processing capability you require in order to operate and develop your business.
To apply for the credit repair services merchant account, you simply have to apply along with the supportive documents. In addition to this, the information requested comprises details on your business, business bank statements, and processing history.
It takes almost 5-7 days to get approval for an account from the time the completed file is received.
Get Approved For Credit Repair Merchant Account Services At Little As 40 Hours:
Gets the benefit of our experience in high-risk processing to get your credit repair merchant approved instantly.
- Free Application with no obligation. Your complete satisfaction is your main motive.
- Get cards as well as e-check accounts. More payment methods translate into more profits for you.
- The unlimited number of recurring billing plans makes it easier for your clients to pay you.
Tips for Fast Approval
If you want to apply for a credit repair merchant account, you should know the following tips. Given below are some tips that you should follow:
- Compliance
- Good Credit Score
- Decrease Outstanding Debt
If you follow all these tips, you can easily be able to get a credit repair merchant account quickly. In the next paragraph, we will discuss the credit card company.
What is a Credit Repair Company?
A credit repair agency is an organization, which provides to improve your credit in the exchange for a fee.
Credit repair services are different from credit repair agencies which are typically free sources from nonprofit financial education organizations. This reviews your finances, debt, and, credit reports to teach you to improve yourself and handle your financial situation.
How Do Credit Repair Agencies Work?
Credit report plays an important role in the processing and approval of loan and credit card application. In addition to this, a lower score of credit can hurt your application. In the case of a lower credit score, you would want to improve the score. By this, you will not have to face a difficult time convincing an expert. How can you repair your credit score? Can a credit repair company help you?
Things To Remember About Credit Repair Company:
- A credit repair company cannot remove or edit the data in your credit report directly.
- The process of online dispute resolution is available free of cost on credit rating agency websites like CIBIL
- The organization must approve any modifications to your credit report.
- If you apply for credit repair through a company, the final credit report will be sent only to the client at their email address or postal address. The information in the report is confidential and will not be shared with others.
Wrap Up:
All in all, if you are a credit repair business looking for proven effective payment processing for your industry. We would love to hear from you, Get started now to 5-star processing or call +(888)-253-9692.