If your business provides remote or on-site PC Tech Support, then you need a high-risk PC
tech support merchant account to process and receive the payments.
And if you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve already tried getting one with your bank but got rejected. It’s not because there’s anything wrong with your business – it’s about how banks view the tech support industry as a whole. Read on to find out the problem, how you can solve it, and get a PC Tech Support Payment Gateway to process payments for your business.

What’s The Deal With PC Tech Support Merchant Account Being High Risk?
Banks and other financial institutions always look at the risk profile of a business before they provide it with an account – even when it’s a merchant account and not a line of credit.
There is a long list of industries that are considered to be high risk, and any business belonging to that industry will be treated as being high risk as well. Tech support is one such industry, and all businesses in this industry, whether you do PC, specific software suits, remote, or on-site – all it is considered high-risk business ventures.
There are two main reasons. The first is that the tech support industry has the bad fortune of being riddled with scammers and con artists. They pose as legitimate tech support businesses and then defraud people with high payments for services that were neither rendered nor needed to begin with. The second reason is the high chargeback ratio, that is customers who in order to save money claim that the charges made to their credit card for the support you provided them were fraudulent.
So, as you can see, there are scammers on both sides of the fence – both among the tech support payment Gateway and the consumers. And unfortunately, your business has to suffer poor treatment from banks. Even if your business deals purely with B2B, and you get to invoice your clients as often as you need to process credit cards, this label will be slapped on your business. And the consequence? Banks won’t let you open a merchant account with them, because they don’t want to expose themselves to any trouble.
Best Solution For PC Tech Support Payment Gateway
The solution is to get a high-risk merchant account. Banks don’t give those out but 5-Star Processing does. We’ve been specializing in high-risk merchant accounts and tech support payment gateway ever since our company was founded, and we’re proud to count many tech support businesses among our clients.
To date, we’ve served over 5,000 businesses all over the United States, the majority of them in various high-risk industries. Because we specialize in high-risk accounts and have structured our own business accordingly, we are able to offer you the lowest credit card processing fees in the market. It’s a bold claim, but we stand by it. And to make it even better, we also guarantee fast approval on your application for a PC Tech Support merchant account.

Call Our Tech Support Today
5 Star Processing expert staff is on standby, ready to take your call, answer any of your questions – and if you’re ready, get you started on your application. Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you shortly.