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Why Paypal blocks Or Limits Paypal merchant Accounts?

Paypal is one of the most popular payment options in the world and it’s easy to use. But sometimes, PayPal merchant account block customer for reasons you might not even know about. Here are some common reasons why PayPal will block your Paypal merchant account:

Paypal is an online payment processing system. It allows users to send and receive money online, and also make purchases or send money to a bank account. Paypal is used by millions of people around the world, including small businesses that want to sell products or services on the Internet.

With a PayPal Merchant account, you can accept payments from customers using their PayPal accounts. This guide will show you how to set up a merchant account with Paypal so that you can start accepting payments online.

Not providing accurate information about the business

You need to provide accurate information about your business and its products or services. You also need to provide information that is not misleading or deceptive, fraudulent, obscene, or otherwise unlawful.

Failing to meet the requirements for a PayPal account

Paypal Merchant Account Block Customer if you fail to meet the requirements for a PayPal account. You should be 18 years or older, have a bank account in the same country as your PayPal account, and have a mobile phone number. You may also need to provide proof of identity when opening an account or making changes to an existing one.

If you opened an account before these new regulations were put into place (around December 2018), it could be closed if:

  • You don’t meet all current requirements for having a PayPal merchant account or personal account; OR
  • Your business has been inactive for more than 90 days without any activity on its linked bank accounts

Having a negative balance in your PayPal account

If you have a negative balance in your PayPal account, your account will be limited. This means that you can’t send or receive money until the amount due is paid to PayPal. You can log into your PayPal account and pay the amount due by using a debit card or bank account debit.

Once you’ve paid off the negative balance, it will take up to 24 hours for them to unblock your account.

Failing to provide valid bank information to link your PayPal account to your bank account

You should provide valid bank information as soon as you can. Providing valid bank information will ensure that your account is not block or limited by PayPal, and it will also help them verify your identity more quickly.

To prevent these reasons you should be very careful about what you are doing.

  • Make sure you are providing accurate information.
  • Ensure that you are meeting the requirements.
  • Ensure that your PayPal balance is positive and not negative.
  • Provide valid bank information, so they don’t have any problems while processing your payments


PayPal is a great way to accept payments online, but it can be difficult to get starts. If you have any questions about setting up an account or understanding the process, feel free to contact us at 5 Star Processing. We will be happy to help!

You may also like to read – What is the fees to open PayPal Merchant Account

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