Your best PC Tech Support payment gateway solution


Where to look for the best PC Tech Support payment gateway

Are you in the business of PC Tech Support? Are you looking for a new and better way to process credit card payments from your customers? Then read here to find out what the common pitfalls of payment processing are, and how to get a reliable PC Tech Support payment gateway for your business.

Getting a PC Tech Support payment gateway from a bank

The most obvious place to start looking for a payment gateway solution is with your current bank. After all, providing payment solutions is a big part of their business. Unfortunately, your bank is unlikely to be of much help. PC Tech Support businesses are considered to be high-risk enterprises because they are part of a bigger, high-risk industry.
The problem is that Tech Support suffers from a high ratio of chargebacks. Customers will sometimes claim that the charge to their credit card for services rendered is fraudulent – that someone else used their credit card, or they were overcharged, or they never received what they paid for. Why do they do that? Maybe every once in a while it’s just an honest mistake, but that wouldn’t impact the risk profile of an entire industry.
Unfortunately, the real reason is more unscrupulous: a chunk of the market that Tech Support serves will do anything to save money or to avoid paying altogether. Chargebacks are bad for any business because they mean lost revenue. But banks don’t like them because they cost them money, too, and because they trigger red flags.
After all, without investigating an individual transaction, it just might be that the customer is telling the truth and it was fraudulent. This brings us to the second big issue that makes it difficult to get a PC Tech Support payment gateway from a bank. The real existence of fraud in the Tech Support industry. The industry has for years been riddled with scammy companies that contact consumers, tell them there is something wrong with their PC or Operating System, and ask for credit card details to fix the problem for them.
They proceed to charge a high price for a service that they don’t actually deliver – because the whole thing is a con, and there was no problem, to begin with. It’s difficult to measure just how many such con artist businesses are out there… But there is enough to sully the reputation of the whole industry with both consumers, who become increasingly weary when it comes to Tech Support, and with banks, who won’t work with a tech support business or let them open a PC Tech Support payment gateway.

Get help from a high-risk payment gateway provider

When banks fail you, you can seek out a high-risk payment gateway provider. They will be able to offer you a PC Tech Support payment gateway because operating high-risk payment gateways and merchant accounts is their main business.
5 Star Processing is that high-risk payment gateway provider that you’ve been looking for. Since we were founded in 2018, our focus has been on providing solutions to businesses in high-risk industries that can’t get either a merchant account or a payment gateway anywhere else. We offer very low credit card processing fees, and a high level of security, and can get you fast approval so that you can start (or resume) processing payments as soon as possible.

Get in touch with 5 Star Processing today

5 Star Processing team of high-risk payment solutions experts is ready to answer any questions you may have about getting a PC Tech Support payment gateway. You can contact us by phone, email, and Facebook Messenger. Call us now at (888) 253 9692, email us at [email protected], or send a message through our Facebook page.


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